Feb 22, 2010

Global Warming believers need to get their butts to Norway and SHUT THE HELL UP!

Bergen has not had this much snow in many many years. I will not state a number because I will probably be wrong. This past week it had stopped snowing, the roads were finally dry and rid of the icy sheets of death. The sun would peek out from time to time. No more slushy snow seeping into your shoes anymore because you could actually walk correctly on the sidewalks now. No more tense back and testing every step before you actually took it. People, including myself, looked like they were doing a sort of dance march. Tap, test, step. Tap the floor, put some pressure on your foot to test whether or not you can step there, and if so then you take that step. I call it the T.T.S syndrome. Although I may be an unusual case to the TTS syndrome because I find that the bearers of this diagnosis are usually within the ages of either 5-13 or 45-72. Im obviously in neither of the two. Everyone else walks as if they were Jesus on water, with great simplicity and speed. They never slip or trip. I dont know how they do it. But I shall work on it.
Now I apologize again for taking a week in updating this. Again I have had people ask me "Are you ok, you didn't update your blog." Again, I am fine!!! I've just been busy!!! But I shall update you now!...actually pause, bad news first. I lost my passport and wallet. I must have lost it on the bus when I was going back home from school. I don't know what's going to happen....I have no idea what's going to happen when my mom finds out...that I'm just kidding! hahaha. Love you mom!!
Ok, so last Monday I went hiking up Mt. Floyen. Yes. Mariana went hiking. Go mark that in your calendars as an international holiday. It's up there with Christmas and Easter. No, but really, those who know me, know that Mariana and hiking just dont get along. Well thats back in the States, where all there is to see is dirt....dirt...rocks. more dirt and rocks. Rocks and dirt. The hiking trails back home arent that great. Its not interesting if you can see your final destination from the parking lot. Here however it was amazing and Im going to do it again. It was an interesting hike. I went with 3 guys. Fernando who is from my norwegian class, Deyan (pronounced Ian)who I met at a dinner at Fernandos house, and Leo, a friend of Deyans. We met at Floybanen at noon, a skyline station that takes you up the mountain, and started hiking from there. It was beautiful but difficult, or rather than difficult I'd prefer to say interesting. the trail was all snow and ice.

It took us about 1.5 hrs to get up. We took pictures along the way and stopped for water and snacks. One thing that was clever and hilarious was finding icicles and having that as our water supply. You just hike and suck, and as wrong as that sounds, it was a pretty genius idea! Now if the hike up was interesting then the hike down was epic. I'm sorry, I should correct myself. The hike up was interesting and the slide down was epic...and painful. At one point we decided to skip one of the switchbacks and just cheat and slide down. Bad idea. Fernando went first, Deyan followed and I unwillingly slipped and followed right behind him. It all happened fairly quickly but this is what happened: Fernando disappeared, Deyan disappeared and then that is when I realized "Oh shit, there's a drop off". Before I could decide what to do I had fallen on top of Deyan and Fernando, a few seconds later we hear "oooohhhh nooooo" and Leo falls on Deyan's hand. Both Fernando and Leo were fine, I had hurt my bad wrist and twisted my ankle and Deyan's knee was messed up. Nothing too serious, and nothing we couldn't handle. So finally after sliding and running down that mountain we reached the bottom at around 3:20ish pm and ended what was a productive afternnon! I plan to do that hike again, but since it snowed a good 6 inches within the last 2 seconds, I think I'll wait a few more weeks. Let me just mention that when I first started speaking to Zoyla and Stig back in August and September, they mentioned that it barely snows here in Bergen. "No, Mariana, it mostly rains here. But snow? Maybe a week or two, that's it". Lies!Haha. It's been a month! But I, think it looks amazing! I love the winter wonderland look, and I prefer snow over rain any day!
Well this past weekend was interesting, met with new friends, had make-your-own pizza movie night, tried new foods, and had interesting conversations over coffee. I also went to Deyan's on Sunday where I had brunch with him and his mom. His mom is so sweet and has the best name in the world! Beautiful name. She spells it like this: M-A-R-I-A-N-A. Yup! Mariana. Just thought I'd throw that in there.
Next week its off to Austria my friends! So pack your ear muffs, snow boots, and snowboards or skiis! Becasue next Friday we will be in Badgastein, Austria!! Thanks for keeping up with me!

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