Jan 24, 2010

No matter where in the world, IKEA still rocks!

So remember when i said I would probably stick out like a sore thumb? Well good news to all. I don't, I blend in quite well thank you very much! Everyone is a walking marshmallow here! I've also gotten used to the unceasing struggle of dressing and undressing every time we walk in or out of a building. The cold is like a slap in the face and walking through the city is like walking with a cloud in your face. Every time you breathe you emit this vapor cloud and you walk right into it. They are not the small vapor clouds that us Californians get on a chilly Monday morning on our way to work or school. No I'm like the train who thinks he can, puffing and puffing and puffing!
I made enchiladas for my host family today, but to any latin readers, please forgive me, I had to use tomato puree for the sauce. They weren't bad, and Sebastian loved them since they were cheese enchiladas. He loves cheese like a fat kid loves cake. Stig, my host dad, is making an apple cake, or maybe its pie, but he called it cake.
Now I know you all are dying to hear about how IKEA went!

lol. Well they do have some really cool designs that we don't have back in the states. They're menu is a bit different too. Back home the menu is the meatballs dish, the spaghetti dish and I think there is a fish and chips one or chicken nuggets, not sure. Here they have this sausage dish with beans and eggs and salad, they have a shrimp salad dish, This bright green cake that looks like it came straight out of the movie Monsters Inc...I'm going to take a second to appreciate my position right now. Im laying down on my bed with a marvelous view outside of the fjords and the snow filled city, smoke coming from the chimneys, the family I live with downstairs laughing and the smell of cake filling up the house! I look outside to see kids running up hills with their sleds and a Norway flag swaying on its post. I can't help but smile....ok back to the story. Well we did go to Ikea after picking up Stig's cousin Ranveig (told you I murdered her name before)where she bought a bookshelf, and then we went to buy my phone, a new vacuum, some groceries, and Stig bought himself a nice Nokia digital camera. Then we went to a science museum called Vilvite, where I turned 3 years old the moment I walked in!It has a lot of cool things, oh and i forgot to mention that before you walked in, as you paid your entrance, they gave all the females one color wristband and the males another color wristband. The wristbands were for exhibitions inside where you would scan the bar code on the wristband and play little games or take tests. It was a male vs. female exhibition. they also had a lot of things for kids too, like a dedicated room for making big bubbles, playing with sand, motion detected floors and walls!A big bicycle ride where you can ride around upside down, which Stig got on.

We went to have lunch at this nice restaurant called BIEN, and it used to be an old pharmacy, thought that was kind of cool! The waiter was from England and kind of creepy, or maybe he was just staring because I was talking to Sebastian in spanish...who knows!
Well to be honest, this blog has taken me all day! Ive been coming back and forth to it. I started at noon and it is now near 8pm.
Not that long ago I went for a driving lesson with Stig, well not really driving but how to drive a manual car. God seriously gave that man patience! I stalled about a total of 10 times. I keep forgetting to put it back in 1st after I brake, and the clutch does not like me. I was able to drive the car back home but only because there was only one stop, and I would have stalled had Stig not told me to put it back in 1st. I don't think manual cars were made for people with ADHD....I'm just saying!
But to finish this off. I have to say that I am with the best family ever. I could not have been luckier. They are so kind and loving to their son and make me feel like Im part of the family. I will truly miss Stig, Zoyla and Sebastian when I leave

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